Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Dear Young Man, you need a BALL SEARCH, according to Kay Hymowitz's article in the Wall Street Journal. I always thought the WSJ was the cornerstone of enlightened feminist theory, but I am wrong. I'll let you read it. I didn't finish it, because I was playing pinball at the bar, checking my shit on my new iPhone. In the bathroom the urinal cake, a lollypop pink, was sitting at the bottom of the toilet bowl with a gross turd sitting on top of it. Together they were too big to flush down. There were no good old days, Kay. The good men were never here. Maybe they're still in South America, or the Middle East. Boring! Next issue.

Monday, March 7, 2011


You're welcome! What Guffaw is designed for poetic & life critique. Let's try anything!